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Date Title Speaker Type Series Service Files Play
03/02/14 Servants and Friends - Philippians 2:19-30 Paul Bailey Sermon Philippians - Joy in Christ Sun AM Worship Servants and Friends - Philippians 2.19-30.pptx Servants and Friends - Philippians 2.19-30.pdf Servants and Friends - Philippians 2.19-30.MP3
02/23/14 Shine for His Glory - Philippians 2:12-18 Paul Bailey Sermon Philippians - Joy in Christ Sun AM Worship Shine for His Glory - Philippians 2.12-18.pptx Shine for His Glory - Philippians 2.12-18.pdf Shine for His Glory - Philippians 2.12-18.MP3
02/16/14 Take the Low Road - Philippians 2.5-11 Paul Bailey Sermon Philippians - Joy in Christ Sun AM Worship Take the Low Road - Philippians 2.5-11.pptx 021614 Take the Low Road - Phil 2.5-11.MP3 Take the Low Road - Philippians 2.5-11.pdf
02/02/14 Joy Made Complete - Philippians 2.1-4 Paul Bailey Sermon Philippians - Joy in Christ Sun AM Worship Joy Made Complete - Philippians 2.1-4.pptx Joy Made Complete - Philippians 2.1-4.pdf
01/26/14 Living Worthy of the Gospel - Philippians 1.27-30 Paul Bailey Sermon Philippians - Joy in Christ Sun AM Worship Living Worthy of the Gospel - Philippians 1.27-30.MP3 Living Worthy of the Gospel - Phil 1.27-30.pptx Living Worthy of the Gospel - Phil 1.27-30.pdf
01/19/14 To Live is Christ - Philippians 1.20-26 Paul Bailey Sermon Philippians - Joy in Christ Sun AM Worship To Live is Christ Phil 1.20-30.pptx To Live is Christ Phil 1.20-30.pdf To Live is Christ - Philippians 1.20-26.MP3
01/12/14 Focusing on the Positive - Philippians 1.12-20 Paul Bailey Sermon Philippians - Joy in Christ Sun AM Worship Focusing on the Positive - Philippians 1.12-20.MP3 Focusing on the Positive - Phil 1.12-20.pptx Focusing on the Positive - Phil 1.12-20.pdf
01/05/14 When Life Gets Real - Philippians 1.1-11 Paul Bailey Sermon Philippians - Joy in Christ Sun AM Worship When Life Gets Real - Phil 1.1-11.pptx When Life Gets Real - Phil 1.1-11.pdf
12/29/13 Giving Sight to the Blind - John 9.1-41 Paul Bailey Sermon Believe in Miracles but Trust in Jesus Sun AM Worship Giving Sight to the Blind - John 9.1-41.pptx Giving Sight to the Blind - John 9.1-41.pdf Giving Sight to the Blind - John 9.1-41.MP3
12/22/13 Anchors in the Storm - John 6.15-21 Paul Bailey Sermon Believe in Miracles but Trust in Jesus Sun PM Worship Anchors in the Storm - John 6.15-21.pdf Anchors in the Storm - John 6.15-21.MP3 Anchors in the Storm - John 6.15-21.pptx
12/15/13 Jesus and Your Impossibilities - John 6.1-15 Paul Bailey Sermon Believe in Miracles but Trust in Jesus Sun AM Worship Jesus and Your Impossibilities - John 6 1-15.pptx Jesus and Your Impossibilities - John 6 1-15.pdf Jesus and Your Impossibilities - John 6.1-15.MP3
12/08/13 Do You Want to be Made Well - John 5.1-9 Paul Bailey Sermon Believe in Miracles but Trust in Jesus Sun AM Worship Do You Want to be Made Well - John 5.1-9.MP3 Do You Want to be Made Well - Jn 5.1-9.pptx Do You Want to be Made Well - Jn 5.1-9.pdf
12/01/13 Jesus Challenges Growing Faith - John 4.46-54 Paul Bailey Sermon Believe in Miracles but Trust in Jesus Sun AM Worship Jesus Challenges Growing Faith - John 4.43-54.pptx Jesus Challenges Growing Faith - John 4.46-54.MP3 Jesus Challenges Growing Faith - John 4.43-54.pdf
11/24/13 The Best is Yet to Come - John 2.1-11 Paul Bailey Sermon Believe in Miracles but Trust in Jesus Sun AM Worship The Best is Yet to Come - John 2.1-11.pptx The Best is Yet to Come - John 2.1-11.pdf The Best is Yet to Come - John 2.1-11.MP3
11/17/13 The Importance of Worship - John 4.20-24 Paul Bailey Sermon True Worship Sun AM Worship The Importance of Worship - John 4.20-24.pptx The Importance of Worship - John 4.20-24.pdf The Importance of Worship - John 4.20-24.MP3
11/10/13 Stay Connected - Hebrews 10.22-25 Paul Bailey Sermon Living with Confidence Sun AM Worship Stay Connected - Hebrews 10.22-25.pdf Stay Connected - Hebrews 10.22-25.MP3 Stay Connected - Hebrews 10.22-25.pptx
11/03/13 What Have They Seen in Your House - 2 Kings 20.12-15 Paul Bailey Sermon Challenging Bible Questions Sun AM Worship What Have They Seen in Your House - 2 Kings 20.12-15.pptx What Have They Seen in Your House - 2 Kings 20.12-15.pdf What Have They Seen in Your House - 2 Kings 20.12-15.MP3
10/27/13 New Testament Shaped Churches - 1 Tim 3.14-16 Paul Bailey Sermon Churches in the Shape of Scripture Sun AM Worship New Testament Shaped Churches - 1 Timothy 3.14-16.pptx New Testament Shaped Churches - 1 Timothy 3.14-16.pdf New Testament Shaped Churches - 1 Tim 3.14-16.MP3
10/20/13 What Will You Do with Jesus? - Matthew 27.22 Paul Bailey Sermon Greatest Questions of the Bible Sun AM Worship What Will You Do with Jesus - Matt 27.22.pdf What Will You Do with Jesus - Matt 27.22.MP3 What Will You Do with Jesus - Matt 27.22.pptx
10/13/13 Freedom from Guilt - Hebrews 9.11-15 Paul Bailey Sermon Stronger than Ever Sun AM Worship Freedom from Guilt - Heb 9.11-15.pptx Freedom from Guilt - Heb 9.11-15.pdf Freedom from Guilt - Heb 9.11-15.MP3
10/06/13 Faith that will Stand - 1 Peter 1.5-9 Paul Bailey Sermon Stronger than Ever Sun AM Worship Faith that will Stand - 1 Peter 1.5-9.pptx Faith that will Stand - 1 Peter 1.5-9.pdf
09/29/13 Find Strength in God - Psalm 46.1-3,7-10 Paul Bailey Sermon Stronger than Ever Sun AM Worship Find Strength in God - Psa 46.1-3,7-10.MP3 Find Strength in God - Psalm 46.1-3,7-10.pdf Find Strength in God - Psalm 46.1-3,7-10.pptx
09/22/13 Discounted Discipleship - Luke 14.28-33 Paul Bailey Sermon Gospel of Luke Sun AM Worship Discounted Discipleship - Luke 14.28-33.pptx Discounted Discipleship - Luke 14.28-33.pdf
09/15/13 Open to Truth - Acts 17.1-11 Paul Bailey Sermon Discerning Truth and Error Sun AM Worship Open to Truth - Acts 17.11.MP3 Open to Truth - Acts 17.1-11.pptx Open to Truth - Acts 17.1-11.pdf
08/18/13 The Issues of Life - Proverbs 4.20-27 Paul Bailey Sermon Living with Confidence Sun AM Worship The Issues of Life - Prov 4.20-27.pdf The Issues of Life - Prov 4.23 part 2.MP3 The Issues of Life - Prov 4.23 part 1.MP3 The Issues of Life - Prov 4.20-27.pptx

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