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Date Title Speaker Type Series Service Files Play
06/26/16 Putting God First - Luke 14:15-24 Paul Bailey Sermon Newness of Life Sun AM Worship Putting_God_First_-_Luke_14.15-24.pptx Putting_God_First_-_Luke_14.15-24.pdf Putting_God_First_-_Luke_14.15-24.MP3
06/19/16 Understanding God's Authority - Romans 6:1-5 Paul Bailey Sermon Newness of Life Sun AM Worship Understanding_Gods_Authority_-_Romans_6.1-5.pptx Understanding_Gods_Authority_-_Romans_6.1-5.pdf Understanding_Gods_Authority_-_Romans_6.1-5.MP3
06/12/16 Raising a Godly Family - Ephesians 5:18-21 Paul Bailey Sermon The Family as God Would Have It Sun AM Worship Raising_a_Godly_Family_-_Ephesians_5.18-21.MP3 Raising_a_Godly_Family_-_Eph_5.18-21.pptx Raising_a_Godly_Family_-_Eph_5.18-21.pdf
06/05/16 Changing our Thinking - Romans 12:1-3 Paul Bailey Sermon Building Your Spiritual Life Sun AM Worship Changing_Our_Thinking_-_Romans_12.1-3.pptx Changing_our_Thinking_-_Romans_12.1-3.MP3 Changing_Our_Thinking_-_Romans_12.1-3.pdf
05/29/16 Defending Truth and Freedom - John 8:31-36 Paul Bailey Sermon The Blessings of Liberty Sun AM Worship Defending_Truth_and_Freedom_-_John_8.31-36.pptx Defending_Truth_and_Freedom_-_John_8.31-36.pdf Defending_Truth_and_Freedom_-_John_8.31-36.MP3
05/22/16 Spiritual Living - Philippians 1.21-24 Paul Bailey Sermon Building Your Spiritual Life Sun AM Worship Spiritual_Living_-_Philippians_1.21-24.pptx Spiritual_Living_-_Philippians_1.21-24.pdf Spiritual_Living_-_Philippians_1.21-24.MP3
05/18/16 Past, Present, Future - Philippians 3.12-15 Brent Willey Gospel Meeting The Journey of Faith Gospel Meeting Past-Present-Future_-_Philippians_3.12-15.pptx Past_-_Present_-_Future_-_Philippians_3.12-15.MP3 Past-Present-Future_-_Philippians_3.12-15.pdf
05/17/16 Recommending Your Own Religion - Psalm 66.16-20 Brent Willey Gospel Meeting The Journey of Faith Gospel Meeting Recommending_Your_Own_Religion_-_Psalm_66.16-20.pptx Recommending_Your_Own_Religion_-_Psalm_66.16-20.pdf Recommending_Your_Own_Religion.MP3
05/16/16 Spiritual Momentum - Romans 12:17-21 Brent Willey Gospel Meeting The Journey of Faith Gospel Meeting Spiritual_Momentum_-_Romans_12.17-21.pptx Spiritual_Momentum_-_Romans_12.17-21.pdf Spiritual_Momentum_-_Romans_12.17-21.MP3
05/15/16 Making Faith Your Own - Hebrews 11:1-6 Brent Willey Gospel Meeting The Journey of Faith Sun Bible Study Making_Faith_Your_Own_-_Hebrews_11.1-6.pptx Making_Faith_Your_Own_-_Hebrews_11.1-6.pdf Making_Faith_Your_Own_-_Hebrews_11.1-6.MP3
05/15/16 He Lifted Me - Philippians 2:5-11 Brent Willey Gospel Meeting The Journey of Faith Sun AM Worship He_Lifted_Me_-_Philippians_2.5-11.pptx He_Lifted_Me_-_Philippians_2.5-11.pdf He_Lifted_Me_-_Philippians_2.5-11.MP3
05/15/16 Faith in Action - Ephesians 6:10-18 Brent Willey Gospel Meeting The Journey of Faith Sun PM Worship Faith_In_Action_-_Ephesians_6.10-18.pptx Faith_in_Action_-_Ephesians_6.10-18.MP3 Faith_In_Action_-_Ephesians_6.10-18.pdf
05/08/16 Honor Your Mother - Ephesians 6:1-3 Paul Bailey Sermon The Family as God Would Have It Sun AM Worship Honor_Your_Mother_-_Ephesians_6.1-3.pptx Honor_Your_Mother_-_Ephesians_6.1-3.pdf Honor_Your_Mother_-_Ephesians_6.1-3.MP3
05/01/16 What is the Church of Christ - Matthew 16:13-19 Paul Bailey Sermon The Church in God's Plan Sun AM Worship What_is_the_Church_of_Christ_-_Matthew_16.13-19.pptx What_is_the_Church_of_Christ_-_Matthew_16.13-19.pdf What_is_the_Church_of_Christ_-_Matthew_16.13-19.MP3
05/01/16 Our Past, Present, Future - Colossians 1:21-23 Paul Bailey Sermon Firmly Rooted - Christianity in Colossians Sun PM Worship Our_Past_Present_Future_-_Colossians_1.21-23.MP3 Our_Past_Present_Future_-_Colossians_1.21-23docx.pdf Our_Past_Present_Future_-_Colossians_1.21-23docx.docx
04/24/16 What the Bible Says about Environmentalism - Romans 1.20-25 Paul Bailey Sermon Real Life Topics Sun AM Worship What_the_Bible_Says_about_Environmentalism_-_Romans_1.20-25.MP3 What_Bible_Says_about_Environmentalism_-_Rom_1.20-25.pptx What_Bible_Says_about_Environmentalism_-_Rom_1.20-25.pdf
04/24/16 Jesus is Everything I Need - Colossians 1:13-19 Paul Bailey Sermon Firmly Rooted - Christianity in Colossians Sun PM Worship Jesus_is_Everything_I_Need_-_Col_1.13-19.pdf Jesus_is_Everything_I_Need_-_Col_1.13-19.docx Jesus_is_Everything_I_Need_-_Colossians_1.13-19.MP3
04/17/16 The Church - Handling Problems Wisely - Acts 6:1-7 Paul Bailey Sermon The Growing Church Sun AM Worship The_Church_-_Handling_Problems_Wisely_-_Acts_6.1-7.pptx The_Church_-_Handling_Problems_Wisely_-_Acts_6.1-7.pdf The_Church_-_Handling_Problems_Wisely_-_Acts_6.1-7.MP3
04/17/16 Paul's Prayer for Struggling Christians - Colossians 1:1-14 Paul Bailey Sermon Firmly Rooted - Christianity in Colossians Sun PM Worship Pauls_Prayer_for_Struggling_Christians_-_Colossians_1.1-14.docx Pauls_Prayer_for_Struggling_Christians_-_Colossians_1.1-14.pdf Pauls_Prayer_for_Struggling_Christians_-_Colossians_1.1-14.MP3
04/10/16 In the Kingdom For Such a Time as This - Esther 4:11-14 Paul Bailey Sermon Kingdom Living Sun AM Worship For_Such_a_Time_as_This_-_Esther_4.11-14.pptx For_Such_a_Time_as_This_-_Esther_4.11-14.pdf For_Such_a_Time_as_This_-_Esther_4.11-14_.MP3
04/10/16 Firmly Rooted - Keys to Studying Colossians Paul Bailey Sermon Firmly Rooted - Christianity in Colossians Sun PM Worship Firmly_Rooted_-_Keys_to_Studying_Colossians.MP3 Firmly_Rooted_-_Keys_to_Studying_Colossians.docx Firmly_Rooted_-_Keys_to_Studying_Colossians.pdf
04/03/16 The Church - Compelled to Proclaim Jesus - Acts 4.20 Paul Bailey Sermon The Growing Church Sun AM Worship The_Church_-_Compelled_to_Proclaim_Jesus_-_Acts_4.32.pdf The_Church_-_Compelled_to_Proclaim_Jesus_-_Acts_4.20.MP3 The_Church_-_Compelled_to_Proclaim_Jesus_-_Acts_4.32.pptx
03/27/16 The Church - One Heart One Soul - Acts 4:32-37 Paul Bailey Sermon The Growing Church Sun AM Worship The_Church_-_One_Heart_One_Soul_-_Acts_4.32.pptx The_Church_-_One_Heart_One_Soul_-_Acts_4.32.pdf The_Church_-_One_Heart_One_Soul_-_Acts_4.32.MP3
03/20/16 The Church - Devoted to God - Acts 2:42-47 Paul Bailey Sermon The Growing Church Sun AM Worship The_Church_-_Devoted_to_God_-_Acts_2.42.pptx The_Church_-_Devoted_to_God_-_Acts_2.42.pdf The_Church_-_Devoted_to_God_-_Acts_2.42-47.MP3
03/13/16 Immanuel God with Us - Matthew 1:18-23 Paul Bailey Sermon The Name of the Lord Sun AM Worship Immanuel_God_with_Us_-_Matthew_1.18-23.MP3 Immanuel_God_with_Us_-_Matthew_1.18-23.pptx Immanuel_God_with_Us_-_Matthew_1.18-23.pdf

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