

We're actively uploading new media and sermons to our website.  See a list below of the latest sermons and materials.  If you have any questions about this, please feel free to send us a note:

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Date Title Speaker Type Series Service Files Play
03/10/13 The Heart of a Leader - 1 Timothy 1-4 Paul Bailey Sermon 1-2 Timothy / Titus Sun AM Worship The Heart of a Leader - 1 Timothy 1-4.pptx The Heart of a Leader - 1 Timothy 1-4.pdf
03/03/13 Taking Christ to Rome - Acts 21-28 Paul Bailey Sermon Book of Acts Sun AM Worship Taking Christ to Rome - Acts 21-28.pdf Taking Christ to Rome - Acts 21-28.pptx
02/24/13 The Gospel in a Pagan World - Acts 13-15 Paul Bailey Sermon Book of Acts Sun AM Worship The Gospel in a Pagan World - Acts 13-15.pdf The Gospel in a Pagan World - Acts 13-15.pptx
02/17/13 Kicking Against the Goads - Acts 9 Paul Bailey Sermon Book of Acts Sun AM Worship Kicking Against the Goads - Acts 9.pdf Kicking Against the Goads - Acts 9.pptx
02/10/13 Unstoppable Devotion - Acts 2-4 Paul Bailey Sermon Book of Acts Sun AM Worship Unstoppable Devotion - Acts 2-4.pdf Unstoppable Devotion - Acts 2-4.pptx
02/03/13 Many Infallible Proofs - Acts 1 Paul Bailey Sermon Book of Acts Sun AM Worship Many Infallible Proofs - Acts 1.pdf Many Infallible Proofs - Acts 1.pptx
01/20/13 Lost and Found - Luke 15 Paul Bailey Sermon Gospel of Luke Sun AM Worship 012013 Lost and Found - Luke 15 1-32.pdf Lost and Found - Luke 15 1-32.pptx
01/13/13 The Call to Discipleship - Luke 9 Paul Bailey Sermon Gospel of Luke Sun AM Worship The Call to Discipleship - Luke 9 57-62.pdf The Call to Discipleship - Luke 9 57-62.pptx
01/06/13 Waiting on the Lord - Luke 1 Paul Bailey Sermon Gospel of Luke Sun AM Worship Waiting for the Lord - Luke 1.pdf Waiting on the Lord - Luke 1.pptx

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