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Date Title Speaker Series Service Files Play
11/04/18 The Romans Road - Romans 8.1-5 Paul Bailey The Gospel of Grace Sun AM Worship The_Romans_Road_-_Romans_8.1-5.MP3 The_Romans_Road_-_Romans_8.1-8.pptx The_Romans_Road_-_Romans_8.1-8.pdf
10/28/18 The Romans Road - Romans 1.16-21 Paul Bailey The Gospel of Grace Sun AM Worship The_Romans_Road_-_Romans_1.16-21.pdf The_Romans_Road_-_Romans_1.16-21.MP3 The_Romans_Road_-_Romans_1.16-21.pptx
10/21/18 Abounding in the Work of the Lord - 1 Corinthians 15:54-58 Paul Bailey The Growing Church Sun AM Worship Abounding_in_the_Work_of_the_Lord_-_1_Cor_15.55-58.pptx Abounding_in_the_Work_of_the_Lord_-_1_Cor_15.55-58.pdf Abounding_in_the_Work_of_the_Lord_-_1_Cor_15.54-58.MP3
10/14/18 They Did Their Duty into Eternity - Hebrews 10:32-39 Paul Bailey Heroes of Faith - Hebrews 11 Sun AM Worship They_Did_Their_Duty_into_Eternity_-_Hebrews_10.32-39.MP3 They_Did_Their_Duty_into_Eternity_-_Heb_10.34-39.pptx They_Did_Their_Duty_into_Eternity_-_Heb_10.34-39.pdf
10/07/18 Pursue a Life of Godliness - 1 Timothy 6:6-11 Paul Bailey Godliness Sun AM Worship Pursue_a_Life_of_Godliness_-_1_Timothy_6.6-12.pptx Pursue_a_Life_of_Godliness_-_1_Timothy_6.6-11.MP3 Pursue_a_Life_of_Godliness_-_1_Timothy_6.6-12.pdf
09/30/18 The Value of Godliness - 1 Timothy 4.6-11 Paul Bailey Godliness Sun AM Worship The_Value_of_Godliness_-_1_Timothy_4.6-11.MP3 The_Value_of_Godliness_-_1_Tim_4.7-8.pptx The_Value_of_Godliness_-_1_Tim_4.7-8.pdf
09/23/18 Enjoy the Good Life - Genesis 1.26-31 Paul Bailey God's Perfect Design Sun AM Worship Enjoy_The_Good_Life_-_Genesis_1.26-31.pptx Enjoy_the_Good_Life_-_Genesis_1.26-31.MP3 Enjoy_The_Good_Life_-_Genesis_1.26-31.pdf
09/16/18 Exhort One Another Daily - Hebrews 3.12-14 Paul Bailey Love One Another Sun AM Worship Exhort_One_Another_Daily_-_Hebrews_3.12-14.pptx Exhort_One_Another_Daily_-_Hebrews_3.12-14.pdf Exhort_One_Another_Daily_-_Hebrews_3.12-14.MP3
09/09/18 Freedom from Enslavement to Sin - John 8.31-36 Paul Bailey Living in God's Strength Sun AM Worship Freedom_from_Enslavement_to_Sin_-_John_8.31-36.pptx Freedom_from_Enslavement_to_Sin_-_John_8.31-36.pdf Freedom_from_Enslavement_to_Sin_-_John_8.31-36.MP3
09/02/18 Why You Need to Read the Bible - Acts 8.26-40 Paul Bailey God's Living Word Sun AM Worship Why_You_Need_to_Read_the_Bible_-_Acts_8.26-40.pptx Why_You_Need_to_Read_the_Bible_-_Acts_8.26-40.pdf Why_You_Need_to_Read_the_Bible_-_Acts_8.26-40.MP3
08/26/18 The Power of God's Word - Hebrews 4:12-13 Paul Bailey God's Living Word Sun AM Worship The_Power_of_Gods_Word_-_Hebrews_4.12-13.MP3 The_Power_of_Gods_Word_-_Heb_4.12-13.pptx The_Power_of_Gods_Word_-_Heb_4.12-13.pdf
08/19/18 Salvation Past, Present, Future - 1 Corinthians 6:9-11 Paul Bailey So Great A Salvation Sun AM Worship Salvation_Past_Present_Future_-_1_Cor_6.9-11.pdf Salvation_Past_Present_Future_-_1_Cor_6.9-11.pptx Salvation_Past_Present_Future_-_1_Cor_6.9-11.MP3
08/12/18 Great is God's Faithfulness - Lamentations 3:21-24 Paul Bailey Our God is Awesome Sun AM Worship Great_is_Gods_Faithfulness_-_Lamentations_3.21-24.pptx Great_is_Gods_Faithfulness_-_Lamentations_3.21-24.pdf Great_is_Gods_Faithfulness_-_Lamentations_3.21-24.MP3
08/05/18 Keeping our Simplicity in Christ - 2 Cor 11.1-5 Paul Bailey Newness of Life Sun AM Worship Keeping_our_Simplicity_in_Christ_-_2_Cor_11.1-5.pptx Keeping_our_Simplicity_in_Christ_-_2_Cor_11.1-5.pdf Keeping_our_Simplicity_in_Christ_-_2_Cor_11.1-5.MP3
07/29/18 Jesus our Righteous Advocate - 1 John 2:1-2 Paul Bailey Jesus our Lord Sun AM Worship Jesus_our_Righteous_Advocate_-_1_John_2.1-2.pptx Jesus_our_Righteous_Advocate_-_1_John_2.1-2.pdf Jesus_our_Righteous_Advocate_-_1_John_2.1-2.MP3
07/22/18 Baptism is about Following Jesus - Acts 10:43-48 Paul Bailey Baptism Sun AM Worship Baptism_is_about_Following_Jesus_-_Acts_10.43-48.pptx Baptism_is_about_Following_Jesus_-_Acts_10.43-48.MP3 Baptism_is_about_Following_Jesus_-_Acts_10.pdf
07/15/18 The Baptism of John - Mark 1:4-11 Paul Bailey Baptism Sun AM Worship The_Baptism_of_John_-_Mark_1.4-11.pptx The_Baptism_of_John_-_Mark_1.4-11.pdf The_Baptism_of_John_-_Mark_1.4-11.MP3
07/08/18 Saved by Faith Not Only - James 2.17-24 Paul Bailey Discerning Truth and Error Sun AM Worship Saved_by_Faith_Not_Only_-_James_2.17-24.pptx Saved_by_Faith_Not_Only_-_James_2.17-24.pdf Saved_by_Faith_not_Only_-_James_2.17-24.MP3
06/24/18 Minds Prepared to Worship - 1 Peter 1:13-16 Paul Bailey True Worship Sun AM Worship Minds_Prepared_to_Worship_-_1_Pet_1.13-16.pptx Minds_Prepared_to_Worship_-_1_Pet_1.13-16.pdf Minds_Prepared_to_Worship_-_1_Peter_1.13-16.MP3
06/17/18 Hope's Sure Foundation - Titus 1:1-3 Paul Bailey Hope, Anchor of the Soul Sun AM Worship Hopes_Sure_Foundation_-_Titus_1.1-3.pptx Hopes_Sure_Foundation_-_Titus_1.1-3.pdf Hopes_Sure_Foundation_-_Titus_1.1-3.MP3
06/10/18 Hope, the Anchor of our Soul - Hebrews 6:13-20 Paul Bailey Hope, Anchor of the Soul Sun AM Worship Hope_the_Anchor_of_our_Soul_-_Hebrews_6.13-20.MP3 Hope_the_Anchor_of_our_Soul_-_Heb_6.13-20.pptx Hope_the_Anchor_of_our_Soul_-_Heb_6.13-20.pdf
06/03/18 The Importance of Knowing God - Psalm 139:1-7,13-16 Paul Bailey Our God is Awesome Sun AM Worship Importance_of_Knowing_God_-_Psalm_139.1-713-16.pptx Importance_of_Knowing_God_-_Psalm_139.1-7_13-16.pdf The_Importance_of_Knowing_God_-_Psalm_139.1-7_13-16.MP3
05/27/18 Workers Together with God - 2 Corinthians 6:1 Paul Bailey Helping the Church Grow Sun AM Worship Workers_Together_with_God_-_2_Cor_6.pdf Workers_Together_with_God_-_2_Cor_6.1.pdf Workers_Together_with_God_-_2_Cor_6.1_incomplete.MP3
05/20/18 Beware the Easy Way - Psalm 34:17-19 Paul Bailey Building Your Spiritual Life Sun AM Worship Beware_the_Easy_Way_-_Psalm_34.17-19.pptx Beware_the_Easy_Way_-_Psalm_34.17-19.pdf Beware_the_Easy_Way_-_Psalm_34.17-19.MP3
05/13/18 The Zeal of God's People - Titus 2:11-14 Paul Bailey Helping the Church Grow Sun AM Worship The_Zeal_of_Gods_People_-_Titus_2.11-14.MP3 The_Zeal_of_Gods_People_-_Titus_2.pdf The_Zeal_of_Gods_People_-_Titus_2.11-14.pptx

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